Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty

Should I put my teenage daughter on the pill for period issues?

My answer – No, I would not put my teenage daughter on the pill for period issues.  But here’s what I’d do instead.

I’m really saddened to hear when mothers reach out to me sharing that their teen, or even tween, daughters have been offered the pill for their period pain. It’s so sad to me and such a disservice to our girls, whose pain is not important enough to look into the reasons why it might be happening and instead being offered a bandaid.   Can you imagine going to the doctors for any other reoccurring pain and being told it’s normal without any investigation?  Super frustrating and even negligent in my opinion.  And don’t get me started on the Drs who are telling these girls and their mothers that they don’t actually need to have a menstrual/ovulatory cycle!! 😡🤯

The menstrual cycle is being reported as the fifth vital sign, and our period is the messenger.  Painful periods are a message that there is something not quite right.  Sometimes this can be due to her diet or lifestyle, other times it may be something else.  The pill won’t fix any of that.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that seeing our daughters suffer through painful periods is difficult and of course, we only want the best for her and the quickest way out of her monthly misery. Sadly, the pill is too often the first thing that is offered, without consideration into other things. Namely, her lifestyle and environment or the side effects of the pill. I hope this post helps you to consider some of the lifestyle changes she could make to help minimise the painful periods and why she might be experiencing them. Remember painful periods are common, but they are NOT normal.

It’s important to note that some of these changes may take a couple of months to take affect, or it could be noticed within one cycle. Regardless, these are all healthy lifestyle changes that will impact her hormones in a good way. It’s just as important to note that if you do choose to take the pill, it will also not always be a quick fix. There will be some trial and error to find the pill that gives her the least amount of side affects, eg mood symptoms, depression, prolonged or more frequent bleeding, weight gain and more. The pill is always only going to be a band aid, it may stop the painful periods, but it’s not helping find the cause of why she is having painful periods.

Below you’ll find some easy lifestyle changes that could be the cause of her painful periods.  If after a few months none of these changes have helped, it’s time to look further into WHY she is having this pain.  Remember, the period is the messenger, it’s telling the body something is not quite right. Find a practitioner who is willing to look into route causes incase there is anything else causing the pain, such as fibroids or endometriosis. And then, find a practitioner who knows how to treat these without the need for the pill.


Let’s have a quick look at what the pill does and doesn’t do. The pill does not and cannot regulate your period, nor will it fix it. The pill suppresses ovulation and turns off the production of our natural hormones. It can take a number of years for girls to develop regular ovulatory cycles, and if a girl starts taking the pill during this time, hormone production stops, along with the development of her cycles. When they stop taking the pill, the body has to resume the development where it left off. Again, this development can take a few years. Any period problems can also return, if they had not been dealt with in the interim.


Period cramps are caused by a hormone like substance called prostaglandins. The higher amount of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, the more painful our periods are. Highly processed and refined omega-6 fatty acids found in vegetable and seed oils increase pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. These include canola, corn, cottonseed, soy, sunflower, safflower and ricebran oils.

Unfortunately, these are found in almost everything prepackaged and processed, including some alternative milks. Switch to using olive oil, coconut oil, butter or ghee at home, and swap processed foods for whole foods or homemade.


Toxins known as xenoestrogens mimic our own estrogen and the body treats it the same, increasing our overall levels of estrogen. When we have higher levels of estrogen compared to progesterone, as is common in the first few years of our periods, this can cause periods to be painful, adding what the body thinks is more estrogen can make this works. Xenoestrogens include BPA, phthalates, pesticides and a whole lot more. They are found in many products that we use multiple times daily, including haircare, skincare, perfumes, cleaning products, fruits and vegetables, canned foods and more.

Opt for organic and toxin free products, including period products.


One way we clear out excess hormones, particularly estrogen, is through our bowel motions. If we’re not pooing at least once a day and the estrogen doesn’t have a chance to clear out it recirculates in the body. Again, this causes an excess and can lead to painful periods. These tips will help her poo.

  • Increase dietary fibre through vegetables and fruit to help daily bowel motions
  • Drink plenty of filtered water. AVOID tap water as this also contains xenoestrogens
  • Move your body daily, make some of those days sweating.
  • Reduce or avoid highly processed foods


Eat more cruciferous vegetables (eg brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage), as well as apples and carrots. These foods bind to estrogen to help move the estrogen out of the body through the bowels. Focus on eating these foods daily especially in the second half of your cycle, or after ovulation.


As well as through the bowels, estrogen is also eliminated through the liver. If the liver is overloaded with other toxins to detoxify, it will leave estrogen to last or not at all. Ways to support her liver

  • Avoid tap water, drink only filtered water
  • Keep highly processed and high sugar foods to a minimum
  • Make sure she is getting enough sleep and going to bed early enough
  • Eat the rainbow
  • Try a castor oil pack, especially in the luteal phase. As well as helping the liver detox, this can also help with constipation


For some people, A1 beta-casein, which is one of the proteins in normal cow’s milk, converts in the gut to an inflammatory peptide, which can lead to painful periods, heavy periods and mood symptoms.

Consider using A2 milk, which is dairy from Jersey cows, goats, and sheep, or alternative milks.

If you do opt for alternative milks look for milks with the least amount of ingredients and that don’t contain seed or vegetable oils.


Magnesium, taken daily, reduces prostaglandins and relaxes the smooth muscle of the uterus, in-turn reducing menstrual cramps.

Zinc also reduces prostaglandins and improves blood circulation to the uterus. A 2015 study on adolescent females found that both pain duration and pain severity were decreased by taking oral zinc.


Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty, Rites Of Passage

My daughter just got her period? Now what?

We can never really know when our daughter will start her period.  Sometimes it can take us completely by surprise, and even when we are prepared, there can be questions of what to do next.
Working through each of these will help ensure she has everything she needs to know covered off for the first little while, and remember to keep the conversation going.  Don’t stop once she’s started, there will still be plenty of questions and uncertainty.

Ensure she knows what is actually happening and that her period is not just a random bleed each month.It is actually SO much more than thatYou can use the following video to help explain the menstrual cycle.

Ensure to use correct terminology for her anatomy.  We all know where our lungs, heart and brains are and what they do.The same should apply for our ovaries, uterus and cervix.


The first few years of her period can be a little different to what we have come to know is normal and regular.Tracking her cycle is a very important part of knowing her body and finding what is normal for her.

Four things that are normal (anything outside of this is considered abnormal)

1 – Cycle length of 21 – 45 days.It can take two years for it to become a regular 26-32 cycle, and fluctuations are normal
2 – Bleeding for between 3-6 days
3 – Blood loss of between 30-80ml over the course of her period
4 – Colour can change between red and brown, and is often brown to start with.
Bonus 5 – Pain is common, but is not normal.Anything outside of these should be closely monitored.Our periods are very good at giving us clues of our overall health.



The options we have available now are so fantastic!

– Biodegradable and organic disposable pads
– Reusable pads
– Period underwear and swimwear
– Biodegradable and organic disposable tampons
– Menstrual cups and discs

Spend some time looking at all of the options and seeing what your daughter is the most comfortable with.There is no right or wrong here, it really is personal preference.  Practice with them to ensure she knows how they work and signs of when to change.


Having a menstrual cycle means we are cyclical beings and it’s normal for us to feel differently, behave differently, create differently and even eat differently in each different phase of our cycle.

Just like the seasons, we move through four different phases
– Menstrual phase/Inner Winter
– Follicular phase/Inner Spring
– Ovulation phase/Inner Summer
– Luteal phase/Inner Autumn

This is where cycle tracking comes in and can help guide us to better work with our own seasons.


It can feel lonely as a teen or tween going through these changes.Help her feel less alone by sharing your own first period stories.If you have other special women in her life, ask them to share their stories as well.Talk about what life was like for you at that time.

Acknowledging this rite of passage is important and will help her know of the special place she holds in her family and her wider community.Do this in a way that honours who she is.Some girls are happy for others to know and a celebration to be had, other girls would prefer a quiet, more intimate acknowledgement.

My in person and online workshops go into each of these much deeper, and both mother and daughter come away with a newly formed bond.
Posted on Categories:Periods, Products

Plastic Free Periods for Plastic Free July

It’s Plastic Free July and it’s time our periods are no longer a burden on the environment.  Did you know that many mainstream brands of pads contain plastic, which means they take 500 years or more to break down.  A recent study has found that some mainstream brands of pads contain 2.4g of plastic per pad and 36g of plastic per pack of pads.  That’s up to 5 plastic carry bags per pack, and does not include the packaging.*

We can do so much better than that, and thankfully we now have options to have completely plastic free periods.  Here’s my favourite products that contain no plastic in their products.  I also consider whether they contain dioxins and other chemicals, which can affect our bodies and the environment.



LOVE LUNA – Biodegradable organic bamboo pads

TSUNO – Bamboo pads

TOM ORGANIC – Biodegradable organic pads

BAMBOO BABE – Biodegradable and compostable organic bamboo pads



HANNAHPAD – Certified organic cotton and compostable reusable pad

YONI PLEASURE PALACE  – “See My blood” Organic reusable pads



Not all period underwear are created equal.  Period underwear is such a great addition to the sustainable options for periods, but recently it was found that some brands contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs).  PFA’s are a class of toxic chemicals linked to significant health impacts like cancer, reproductive problems, and endocrine disruption. They also do not easily degrade in the environment or in the body and can accumulate over time.  The following brands do not contain any PFA’s

MODIBODI – Organic cotton or bamboo and spandex

LOVE LUNA – Cotton/Elastine and Bamboo.  Coming soon here  🙂



TOM ORGANIC – 100% medical grade silicon with Medical grade recyclable green plastic steriliser case

PELVICUP – 100% Certified Medical Grade Silicone

HELLO CUP – medical-grade TPE (thermoplastic elastomer). They are hypoallergenic and free of BPAs, silicone, rubber and latex.

MOONCUP – 100% medical grade silicon



Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty

Dealing with Excess Oestrogen

Why do we need to know about excess oestrogen and what can we do about it?


Before we look at excess oestrogen, let’s have an overview of what oestrogen is.  We have three kinds of oestrogen, each made in different parts of the body, some are made in the fat cells and adrenal glands, but the most, during our menstruating years are made in the ovaries.  This one is called estradiol.  This is the queen of all estrogen’s.  It’s our happy hormone.  It stimulates mood and libido as it boosts serotonin (which promotes feelings of well being and happiness) and dopamine (which is associated with motivation and pleasure). Estrogen also makes us care for others, and if you notice in your own cycle when it’s easier to care for others, and when you find yourself less tolerable, it could well be due to the rise and fall of estrogen.


It also has many other benefits for bones, muscles, brain, heart health, sleep and metabolism.  It also enhances sensitivity to insulin, so helps prevent insulin resistance, which is linked to PCOS.


Estrodial is a growth hormone, so as long as its there it’s helping all of the beneficial things grow and be supported.  One of it’s main job is to also grow the uterine lining to prepare for a baby.  The more estrodial you have, the thicker your uterine lining will be and the heavier your period will be.


On a quick side tangent, if you take the hormonal birth control pill, your ovaries are not making estrogen, as your hormones are essentially shut down.  So along with this you are not getting all of the wonderful benefits of estrogen on the things above, which may impact your long term health.  Something that we do not get told and is important to consider.


Back to estrogen.  During certain times in our menstruating years, it is normal for the balance of estrogen and progesterone to be out.  This is in the first few years of having our cycle, and during perimenopause, which could be up to 10 years before our periods eventually stop.  The reason for this imbalance is that we are not ovulating each cycle, and therefore not producing progesterone.  Progesterone is another essential hormone that is only released once the follicles have released the egg.  While progesterones main job is to hold and nourish a pregnancy, it also has a pivotal role in counter balancing estrogen.  It helps thin the lining of the uterus, while estrogen thickens it, it helps prevent breast cancer, while estrogen can promote it, it helps boost hormone thyroid while estrogen suppresses it.


The menstrual cycle has been considered the 5th vital sign, and you can see why when getting the balance right or wrong can have real health implications.


So how can we tell when the balance is out?  Excess oestrogen has many symptoms.  These include:  

  • Heavy periods
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cysts
  • PMS
  • Painful periods
  • Endo
  • Fibroids
  • Menstrual migraines
  • Mood swings and irratibilaty
  • Moodiness and meltdowns
  • Depression
  • Weepiness
  • Mid cycle pain
  • Brain fog
  • Weight gain around middle
  • Bloating, puffiness or water retention
  • Abnormal smears


Remember, it’s the balance of estrogen and progesterone that we want to work out.


Some reasons why this might be occurring

  • Anovulatory cycles (common in teen years and perimenopause)
  • PCOS
  • Poor estrogen detoxification
  • Poor diet
  • Gut issues, like constipation
  • Stress, higher levels or cortisol which competes with progesterone
  • Birth control pill
  • Environmental toxins, which are all around us.  Particularly BPA’s


Another thing to consider with our teens is that our hormone receptors are very new to the sudden influx of hormones and therefore very sensitive to them.  Until they get used to the new hormonal flow this can have an impact on how they feel emotionally.  Everything is that little bit extra heightened.


There are ways we can address this imbalance, but it’s important to know that all of the symptoms above are not normal and can be addressed for better overall wellbeing.  Important to also know that if you are experiencing these things, and have not received the help you need, find another doctor or practitioner who is specialised.  As we head into peri, these things can worsen with more hormonal fluctuations, and despite what we’ve been told, we don’t have to put up with it.


Address excess oestrogen through:

  • Supporting liver detoxification and gut health.  We want to make things as easy as possible to move through us
  • Make sure youre getting enough dietary fibre so we can eliminate through the bowels
  • Drink plenty of filtered water, again, helping it eliminate through wee
  • Make sure you get enough sleep
  • Sweat – move your body in a way that sweats
  • Eating brocolli, cauli and cabbage helps binds to excess estrogen
  • Eating a carrot a day helps live detox
  • Track your cycle, notice where and when you experience the symptoms
  • Loose excess weight
  • Seek assistance from a qualified hormonal specialist
  • Look at Vit D, magnesium, selenium and Vit C and B levels, 


If your daughter has had her period for a couple of years, and she is still experiencing and of these symptoms, or if any of these is causing her to miss school or be in lots of pain, please don’t wait to have her assessed by a specialist.  An integrative practitioner is best.  Someone who will look at her diet, lifestyle, health history and overall health to get a full picture and find the cause, rather than treating the symptoms.


Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty

13 ways to celebrate your daughters first period

celebrate her first period
We celebrate so many of the important milestones in our children’s lives, but celebrating her first period (menarche) has been one rite of passage that’s been left off that list.
It’s time to bring the celebration back. During your conversations about periods you could talk about ways in which you could celebrate, and get some ideas from her. The important thing is to make it appropriate for your daughter. Some may not want a big fuss, while others may feel like having something more celebratory.
It’s also important to note that while the celebration or acknowledgement on the day is not the be all and end all.  To really honour your daughters cycle, and have her know this is a beautiful part of being a woman, it’s important to have many conversations as you’re noticing her develop and many supportive conversations during the first few years of her cycle.
If you’d like a few ideas of how to celebrate her first period, here are 13 suggestions: (13 for the average number of cycles we have each year)

13 ways to celebrate your daughters first period

  • A bath run and a foot massage.
  • A cuddle on the couch and watch a movie
  • A mother/daughter date to a special café for lunch.
  • A family dinner together
  • Baking a favourite cake
  • A special get together with aunties, grandmothers and other special ladies who may offer words of loving encouragement. Like a little blessing way ceremony.
  • Get your nails done together.
  • Book a night away and spend a whole day and night in each others company
  • Have a day off to do something nice together
  • A special piece of jewellery
  • Redesign her bedroom to make it more appropriate for her age.
  • Give her a box filled with special items that she can take out each time she bleeds to honour herself. Could include heat pack, special tea or hot chocolate, dark chocolate, special period underwear, pampering body product, red nail polish, non toxic, essential oils, crystal, special journal, bath salts, special book, a special item of jewellery, and a special note from you.
  • Have ongoing positive conversations

If your daughter has already started her period, it’s not too late.  You can always jump in now with a celebration.  Perhaps next time she gets her period you can carve out some time together to try some of the above things.  She may not seem very receptive at the time, but when important rites of passage are supported positively, the impact it has on her outlook of her own body is also positive.
If you want help with preparing her for her first period, seek out a workshop in your area with myself or some of my facilitators, or look into my online workshop Happy Flow.
Posted on Categories:Periods, Products


So you’ve heard about period underwear, but you can’t quite get your head around them.

Do I wear them with pads?

How often do I change them?

Do you actually reuse them, or throw them away?

How do you wash them?

I’ve heard all the questions, and in this video, from a module of my Happy Flow online course, I answer them.  And yes, they now even have period SWIMWEAR!

Period Underwear brands I recommend include:


Love Luna

My NickerBot


Ruby Love



Happy Flow is an online course for girls aged 9-12 and their mums/carers to do together.  It can be done before or after she gets her first period.

Happy Flow educates and empowers girls to prepare for and embrace their period and help them understand the change their body is about to go through. We show them it’s a natural process and nothing to be ashamed of, as well as help them feel safe having conversations with their mum/carer through the journey.

This is not your usual read a book and discover, Happy Flow covers all the details to make your daughter confident and comfortable with her body, it’s ALL the details I wish I knew when I first started my period, and it’s also a time to bond over.  She knows you have her back!

We talk about:

  • How to prepare for this time as a mother
  • Learning the female reproductive anatomy in a fun and relatable way
  • The how’s, what’s, why’s and when’s of our first period
  • How menstrual hygiene products work and what is the best one for you
  • How we feel and behave differently through the four inner seasons or phases of our menstrual cycle
  • How to track your cycle and why it’s so important
  • The importance of honouring this Rite of Passage, and how to do it in the most appropriate way for your daughter

If you’re ready to be having open and supportive conversations with your daughter, and ensure she is fully informed and confident with her first period, sign up to Happy Flow here now.

Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty


Even if we’ve given our girls the best preparation for when their period comes, the transition to having periods is a big one, especially for those a bit younger or neurodiverse. There can still be anxiety, doubt, embarrassment, even humiliation. Providing ongoing support at this time will not only help your daughter learn more about her own body, it will also give her an empowered view on what it is to be a woman in our society.

The way we are with our girls for their first period and the time around that, sets the scene for how she values herself as a woman. Keeping the support going will help her love, trust and understand her body. We used to retreat into a red tent or moon lodge each time we bled, and there was much to look forward to as we shared stories, rested and honoured one another. We can bring elements of that back in modern ways by approaching our periods a little differently than we have in more recent times. Here are 9 things we can do when your daughter hates her period.



Who doesn’t love being treated every so often, and what better time to teach your daughter how to love and honour her body than when she is bleeding. A constant reminder that she comes from love and beauty and her body is a form of love and beauty.

Look into what her love language is and each time she gets her period, remind her of her beauty with something that she loves.
– Quality Time – Carve out some time where you share some stories or watch a show together
– Physical Touch – Offer her back tickle, foot massage, or look into a beautiful Arvigo massage
– Words of Affirmation – Write a beautiful note
– Acts of Service – Help her do her chores for her for a day or two
– Receiving Gifts – You can never go past flowers or chocolate

The Period Subscription box would be the perfect idea



Speaking of receiving gifts and never going past flowers or chocolate, there really is something in a simple red rose when we bleed. Not only will receiving the gift make her feel good, each time she sees it she will be reminded of why she was given it, and relate the beauty of the rose to her own body.

Teen moods may not always appreciate in the moment, but subliminally they will come to learn that their menstrual cycle and their bleed can be honoured.



Ensure she always has her period products at the ready. Be that at home or in her bag for school or sleepovers.  Keep an eye on her products for when they run out, and have a system in place where she feels comfortable letting you know if she is running low.
Don’t always assume she will tell you. She may be navigating her own embarrassment or doubt, and wondering whether she has been using too much or too little.
Also let her know that leaks happen and are okay. Show her what to do with anything she has leaked on. Again, you might want to set up a system for her to let you know in a way that works for you both.



Offer her things that support her body. This could be in the way of food, movement or other things. Ask her what she feels her body needs, so she can be familiar to listening to her bodies needs.

Some examples are:
– Warm teas and soups
– Hot chocolate or cacao
– Dark chocolate
– Omega 3’s like avocado or oily fish
– Warm compresses on the womb for cramps
– Restful yoga poses like child’s pose or legs up the wall
– Extra rest. Start teaching her she does not have to push through



Tracking her cycle is important for a number of reasons.  Tracking can:
– Highlight if there are any irregularities and things that need to be looked into
– Help determine when their next period will come, by tracking her cervical fluid
– Empower her to know her own body

Teach her how to track using an app or a journal, but also keep a note of things yourself, so you can help with her awareness.

Tracking involves noting the following:
– Period days
– Cervical Fluid days
– Physical changes like pimples, cramps, spotting
– Emotional changes like social, tired, irritable, excited
– Mental changes like anxiety or low mood
– Other things, like vivid dreams



Whether you still have your period or not, honour your body they way you want your daughter to honour hers. This may not come naturally when we’ve been living in a society that still has so much taboo around periods and we’ve been made to feel like we have to push through, bear pain and just get on with it.
Start to honour your own body by taking rest, asking for more help during times when you feel overwhelmed or tired, listening to your body and giving it what it needs, tracking your own cycle and understanding your own body.
Even if we are not bleeding anymore, we are still cyclical. You can use the moon to help guide your rythyms.  Plus, as a bonus, the more you do now to honour and work with your cycles, the easier you will move through peri-menopause.



Among others, your daughter will pick up from you how periods are perceived within society. Even if you are not speaking directly to her, she will notice any positive or negative speak.  So many of use have experienced unpleasant or painful periods, shame or a very embarrassing start to your menstrual cycle. We know we want a different story for our daughters, and we all hope there is no suffering.
Be aware of where you might be running autopilot language about periods, as they can be very easily influenced.



Don’t dismiss pain or heavy periods as normal, these are signs something is not right and we shouldn’t be suffering through our cycles.  Painful and heavy periods and long or short cycles are common but they are not normal.
Ensure that your daughter knows what is and isn’t normal for her, so you can both get any support you need for her when she needs it. This is where tracking is important, including keeping a note of her nutritional intake.
Keep in mind a normal cycle when they first start their period and for the first few years is anywhere from 21-45 days.



Our menstrual cycle is not a set and forget.  It really is a monthly report card of our health, which, when we practice learning, we become empowered about our own body.  Each period shows us how our health has been the month before, from a nutritional, physical and mental viewpoint.

The way we are with our girls for their first period and the time around that, sets the scene for how she values herself as a woman. Keeping the support going will help her love, trust and understand her body.

For more support, take a look at my Period Subscription box for teens  

Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty


Heavy periods are quite a common part of girls periods in the first few years.   Many mothers think that this will be ongoing, but for the most part it is temporary. There is a valid reason for this, and also a way we can help our girls through this stage.

When we first get our period it can take a few years for the brain and the ovaries to develop the pathways to communicate. Many of the cycles in the first few years are anovulatory (meaning we don’t ovulate). Because we are not ovulating, we are not producing progesterone. One of progesterones job is to thin the lining of the uterus. Without progesterone, estrogen continues to thicken the lining, resulting in heavy periods. The same thing happens as we near menopause and we again are not ovulating every cycle.

It’s important to note what constitutes a heavy period.

There are things we can do to help with the heavy periods until cycles become regular ovulatory cycles.
1 – Eat cruciferous vegetables (these pick up excess estrogens and move them through the body)
2 – Avoiding sugar, dairy and processed foods. These make the liver work harder and means oestrogen is not being detoxed as it should
3 – Drinking filtered water. Tap water contains xenoestrogens which mimic our own body’s oestrogen, increasing oestrogen even more
4 – Make sure they are not constipated, daily bowel motions eliminate excess estrogen
Get into the habit of cycle tracking. That way, if things aren’t as they should be for more than a few cycles, and you’ve supported her body with the things above, you can go to a practitioner fully armed with these vital signs to see if there is anything else at play.  She can do that either in an app, like Clue, Flo or in the health function if she has an apple product, or just good old pen and paper.
Important things to note include:
– Number of days she is bleeding
– How many times she changes a period product each day, and what the period product is
– Changes in period colour
– Any pain and how that was managed.
For heavier periods, she may be more comfortable using period underwear, or possibly even menstrual cups.  These products hold more blood than disposable pads or tampons, so she will not need to change them as much.
Suggested brands include:

Our body is always talking to us, and our period does a great job of telling us what is up. If things don’t seem right, never leave it too long before seeking help from a practitioner specialising in womens hormones.

Posted on Categories:Periods, Products


Period Stigma is real
Period Stigma is real!
In a 2019 study by Libra it was found that Periods remain one of, if not the most stigmatised topics for Australian women.  Here are just some of the statistics.
75% of women surveyed think there is stigma associated with periods. Periods were listed as more taboo than drugs, sex, STD’s and mental health.
8o% of women will hide their periods.  Avoiding swimming, light coloured clothing and hiding period products in their sleeves and bras.
70% of school girls would rather fail a subject at class than have their peers know they have their period.
– 25% of 18-24 year old women were too embarrassed to purchase period products.
Almost 50% of women aged 25-39 think society’s views on periods is old fashioned
– Less than 1 in 10 Australian women feel empowered when they have their period.
So what can we do to change period stigma?
Normalise conversations!
Talk to our daughters about what’s going on for us, and what is happening to them. We don’t want our girls to think it’s normal for them to hide what is so natural.  It’s also really important to ask them about how things are at school.  Do they feel comfortable when they have to change a pad or other product?  Do they know where the best toilets are to go to?  Are their friends supportive and do they talk to their friends about when they have their period?  We may think they’re comfortable at school, but there could be other things happening that we aren’t aware of
If you’re having difficulty starting the conversation, send me a message.   Also take a look at this blog post on how to talk to your daughter about puberty.

Or, bring her along to one of my workshops, where she can learn it’s normal to talk with other people about periods too.

See upcoming workshops 

Posted on Categories:Periods, Puberty, Rites Of Passage, Uncategorized


period talk

A little heart to heart mumma’s about why we can’t be doing our girls a disservice and only having one period talk, or leaving it up to school, or worse, her friends.

Do you know just how much how cycle changes, or how we look at our cycle differently in the 40ish years we have periods? A lot!!

I can’t say this enough, we need to be taking more notice, and having more conversations. I will say this over and over, but I wish I knew more about my cycle when it first started, not learned it all as it’s on its way out.

If our girls wanted to dance, practice art of play a sport, we wouldn’t be done in one session would we?  No, as they develop more skills, they progress to another level. Our cycle is much the same, progressing through new levels depending on our age, lifestyle and health.

Here’s 8 “levels” our cycle goes through and why we need to be having more than one period talk.


At the onset of her first period (Menarche), it can take a few years until her brain and hormones are communicating at the mature level to bring regular cycles.So while we talk about a normal cycle being 26-32 days, this may not occur until her mid-late teens.

Until then her cycle may look like:

– A cycle of 21-45 days
– Heavier periods, caused by the ovaries not yet ovulating and no progesterone being produced.
– Mid cycle spotting
– Mood swings


Once we become sexually active there is a time when we are actively trying not to conceive.  This is a VERY important time to know our cycle intricately.  Firstly understanding that we cannot get pregnant on any day of our cycle, but also understanding when we, personally, are most fertile.  We may choose to use a form of contraceptive at this time, and again, it’s important to know how these may affect our cycle and our bodies in the short, mid and long term.


– There are many times when abnormalities occur within our cycle.Often these go undetected or undiagnosed because we’ve been told many of these symptoms are normal, or that it is in our head.The fact that endometriosis takes on average 7 years to diagnose is far too long.It is not normal to experience painful or heavy periods, or cycles longer than 33 days on a regular occurrence.The more conversations we have around this, the more help we can get for those who suffer through these.

Some cycle abnormalities include:
– Endometriosis
– PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)
– PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
– Amenorrhoea
– MRKH (Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome)


As with when we are trying not to conceive, preparing for conception is a crucial time in paying attention to our cycle.Not only for the conception itself, but to also prime the body in the best possible way to be carrying a baby for the following months.  Knowing our bodies most fertile times through the signs of ovulation by assessing cervical fluid, basal body temperature and other signs personal to you, will help prepare for conception. Working with the four seasons of the cycle, including resting while bleeding, will also help prime your body for pregnancy.


After having a baby it can take a little while for our cycles to return to normal.Firstly it may not return for several months depending on how long you are breastfeeding for, and secondly, when it does return it likely won’t be the same cycle you were experiencing before conception, for a few cycles at least.

The first few postpartum cycles can:
– Have increased cramping
– Be heavier
– Be longer or shorter in length to previous cycles
– Be more irregular (especially whilst breastfeeding)

If you’re a tampon user, things may feel a little different for a while too.


The removal of the uterus, or any parts of the sexual organs can also play a big part in our cycles.  If ovaries remain, the normal cycling will remain, without the period occurring.This means that the four phases of the cycle, and the mental, emotional and energetic transitions throughout these phases will still be experienced.  Symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause will also still be experienced if the ovaries remain.During this time it is imperative that physical health remains a priority.


Anywhere from the age of 35 we can start to transition into the years of perimenopause, also sometimes termed second puberty.  Perimenopause can last from 7-10 years and goes through 4 different phases:
– Regular periods with some signs of change, including shorter cycles or heavier periods
– Irregular periods, cycles vary more than 7 days
– Skipped periods, cycles are longer than 60 days
– Last period

During this time our hormones are fluctuating wildly. It’s common to see many symptoms caused by these changes, including hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings.


Menopause is the phase that begins one year after your last period.  The average age of menopause is 50, but it can occur between 44 and 56.  Progesterone is no longer made and oestrogen is at an all time low.

I love how Masie Hill puts it in her book Period Power

“Oestregen makes us care about others, so when it starts to wane, our tolerance for putting up with people and their bullshit goes with it, and you could find yourself acknowledging all the times that you cared for others instead of yourself and feel bitter and resentful of how your own needs have been abandoned and ignored.”

The more we talk about periods, the more we work with our own bodies to acknowledge their power and the more we learn to care for ourselves based around our cycles, the less likely we are to feel bitter and resentful once it comes to an end.

If you’re ready for more open conversations with your daughter, find out about upcoming workshops in your area here.