My answer – No, I would not put my teenage daughter on the pill for period issues.  But here’s what I’d do

We can never really know when our daughter will start her period.  Sometimes it can take us completely by surprise, and even

It’s Plastic Free July and it’s time our periods are no longer a burden on the environment.  Did you know that many

Why do we need to know about excess oestrogen and what can we do about it?   Before we look at excess

It is very normal to feel a sense of loss and mourning with any big life changes we have. Think about your

You know how important I think it is to prepare our young tweens for their periods.  I’m finding it’s just as important

You know how important I think it is to prepare our young tweens for their periods, well I’m finding it’s just as

Jen Dugard is the CEO of Body Beyond Baby PTY LTD, creator of Fitness Professional certification Safe Return to Exercise and author

We celebrate so many of the important milestones in our children’s lives, but celebrating her first period (menarche) has been one rite

In this episode I’m talking with Christie Edwards, unschooling mother of four.  We talk about the how’s and why’s of unschooling for

Jacqui Toohey is Health & Fitness Coach helping women to build strong, healthy minds, bodies & habits so that their strongest, fittest and

So you’ve heard about period underwear, but you can’t quite get your head around them. Do I wear them with pads? How