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What is a normal cycle length when you first start your period?

When girls first start their period, and potentially for the following 2-3 years, their cycles do not follow the 26-32 day norm that we are used to.  Some things to remember.

– A normal cycle length for girls can be anywhere from 21-45 days, with an average cycle length of 32 days.
– The amount of days they have their period can also range from 1-7 days.
– The flow can change from cycle to cycle from light spotting to heavy.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The key at this stage is to always be prepared with pads, undies, or whatever form of product you have chosen. Carrying emergency pads is always a good idea, and if the flow is heavy, wearing backup pads and undies.

It’s also a great idea to start tracking their cycle at this point.  It can often feel like you might have your period every week, or only every few months.  But if they are tracking, they have a much better picture of just how often and how heavy each cycle is.  Often changes in their moods and energy can be the first signs of an impending bleed.  After a number of cycles they’ll get a much better idea of what is normal for them.

What to focus on when tracking your menstrual cycle.

Tracking can either be done with an app like Clue App or My Flo, or just in a diary.

A good idea of what things to focus on each day include:
– What day they are on, EG, day 1 of the cycle is the first day of bleeding
– How heavy the flow is, spotting, light, heavy.
– Any cervical fluid or vaginal secretions, if so, is it clear, stretchy like egg white, tacky.
– Food cravings
– Appetite in general
– Energy high or low
– Chatty or quiet
– Cramping
– Tender breasts
– Happy or sad
– Irritable
– Focused or distracted
– Productive or unproductive
– How does your hair and skin look?

Tracking your menstrual cycle is not only about when you’ll get your period, it’s an overall look at your whole wellbeing.  If things are going wrong hormonally, the menstrual cycle is often where the signs will first show up.  With a good picture of how the menstrual cycle looks for each individual, you will be able to take these along to your health practitioners for the right support.